Monday, June 7, 2010

Money issues

Today was a pretty rough day. First off, I felt so bad for my client. It's obviously nothing I can share due to confidentiality, but lets just say schools need to be more selective when they decide what kind of substitute teachers to put in with the special ed kids. Completely ruined my client's day and put me in a bad mood.

The last day of school is Wednesday, which means I start summer hours on Thursday. I'm actually looking forward to this because I need every last penny I can get. Money is super tight. Unlike a lot of my college peers, I paid for everything myself. Tuition, apartment rent, books, and any other bills. All me. Obviously I didn't have thousands of dollars laying around, so there are about 10 loans all in my name that are now needing to be paid. Not to mention all my medical bills. With school loans alone, I'm over $100,000 dollars in debt. No one my age knows what that feels like. Talk about stress. So, I need to get a weekend job. I honestly have no choice but to work 7 days a week to even begin to make a dent in my debt.

Like I said, today was rough. After all that went down with my client's day, it put me in a overwhelmed mood. I started thinking about money and all that I just explained above. I started crying for a brief second at work, but pulled myself together. I don't know how I'm going to do this. Any of it. All I see right now in my immediate future is working my ass off every day of the week.

Ok, I'm tired. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. You can make it happen,'re so strong! Let me know if you need to talk about anything!
