Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Real Quick Update

Today was slightly better than yesterday. My client still seemed shaken by her horrible experience yesterday at school. It's hard to work through things like that since she's non verbal. But I talked to her today and I could tell she understood the main gist of what I was saying.

So, I applied for some weekend work earlier today. I'm hoping for something to come through. If it comes to it, I can ask Maxim (my company) if they have any weekend clients I could take over for the summer. Anything will do.

I had a long conversation mostly through text tonight with Jim. Its amazing after almost 3 1/2 years of being such good friends that we still can talk for hours at a time. Anyways, he called me up after texting and said that there might be something taking place soon, but he doesn't want to tell me yet until he knows more details and if it will actually happen. So, now that I'm completely confused, and at the same time extremely interested, I wonder what he's talking about. Hmmmm.

Until next time...

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