Saturday, June 5, 2010

Next weekend's plans, Miley, and Ed

I'm so excited for next Saturday! I am going to Eden for Jim's younger brother's girlfriend's high school graduation party (Her name is Megan.) I miss this girl so much. I used to see her every weekend at Jim's dad's place for 2 years straight. She's so cute and such a sweetheart. We've been talking pretty regularly since I've moved to Greenville and we're both excited to see each other next week. I just got to think of a gift for her...hmmmm.

I may stick around that area to see some Gboro friends I havent seen in awhile. Jim is debating whether he wants to see me or not next Saturday because he doesn't want to see me for an hour and then I have to leave. He's like "That's a tease. Its not cool." He said when he sees me he wants to see me for the entire day, not just an hour. I totally agree. So, I don't know if I'll see Jim on Saturday, but I know it'll be a great day at Megan's!

So if you know me, then you should know I'm obsessed with Miley Cyrus. I started watching Hannah Montana on Disney the day it premiered back in early 2006. I literally own everything she's done since then. Miley gives me confidence. Seriously, I know she's only 17, but she OWNS that stage and her movie roles and her songs and she don't give a flying hoot if you like her or not. She is who she is, no matter how many haters. That's how I try to live my life. I am not changing for anyone. Her newest single, "Can't be Tamed" came out a few weeks ago. LOVE IT! Her new album drops June 22nd and I'll buy it that day, of course! Also, the 4th and final season of Hannah debuts sometime soon! Ahhh, I can't wait! :)

I'm working on my tan, which is coming along quite nicely. Every weekend if the weather is nice I love to lay out at the pool and read one of my 3 books I'm reading. One of my fav authors is Lisa Gardner. She writes all detective-like novels, with suspense, action, and thrills thrown in. I've already read, I think, 6 of her books. Then, I'm reading "The Lovely Bones" which was turned into a movie. I haven't seen it, but people said it was awful. Well, the book is amazing. Enough said. The 3rd book I'm workin on is a book on the life and recovery of people with eating disorders. Obviously something that is and will always be near and dear to my heart. I see a LOT of myself in this book. I'm even being a student and highlighting important research and facts and such that are in the book.

Most people think once you've gained all your weight back and you're at your healthy weight that you no longer have an ED. Clinically, they're right. However, eating disorders are MUCH MORE a psychological disorder than a matter of weight and numbers. For the rest of my life I will always fight and struggle with my ED-like thoughts. I know at any time Ed could sneak up behind me and drag me down. I've known girls personally that have died from this disease and I can't tell you how much that hurts. Honestly, one day I would LOVE to either work in an ED treatment facility or be apart of NEDA and all other awareness organizations and work to raise money and spread knowledge about Eds. Seriously a dream. A great dream.

I'm done rambling now. See ya soon!

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