Friday, February 19, 2010

The day after the fairytale

"Can you feel this magic in the air?" - Taylor Swift

The fairytale was my own personal version. Most (ok, probably all) other girls wouldn't consider last night a fairytale. But it was definitely magical...

Sitting in a comfy chair at the mall and then looking up to see my best friend walking towards me with the biggest smile on his face is the most gratifying feeling in the world. Our hug in the middle of the mall lasted for a solid minute. We walked aimlessly throughout the mall, not caring about where we were going, he just wanted to know everything about my interview earlier that afternoon. And I told him everything. After walking for a little, we decided it was time to get food, and in particular a steak! So, off to Outback we went.

We both love that place. We have many memories there as well. Anyways, the food was great. as always, but the company and conversation was amazing. We talked about so many things, it would take me until tomorrow to type it all. Laughing, joking, a lot of staring. We have to take good mental pictures of each others face to last us until the next time we see each other, which usually is at least 2 months, if not more. The kicker of our dinner experience happened when the waitress came and gave us our check and said the following word for word: "You guys seem so into each other. How long have you been dating?" Jim looked at me and smiled and said, "Darlin you wanna take this one?" So, I explained to the waitress that we were just friends. That we had dated for 2 1/2 years but I moved to Greenville and now I'm just here visiting him. The waitress was taken aback. She said "Wow, my fault for assuming. But just for the record, you two are so cute together."

Then, Jim took me to Ganache, which is our favorite bakery. The most amazing cakes ever. Not to mention all the lights are dimmed inside and there's a lit candle in the middle of each table. It's a very intimate setting. We ate delicious desserts and hot chocolate and talked a whole lot more. Through out the whole evening Jim kept saying how beautiful I looked and how grateful he was that I was there. Since we broke up he hasn't made one move on me. He truly respects me. He still holds my hand at dinners but it's more of a sign that shows me he's always going to be there for me.

At the end of the night in his truck, he gave me something. I'm not going to say what it is, but I started crying right away. I said thank you a million times and we kept hugging. Nobody (besides my parents) looks out for me the way Jim does. I am so blessed to have met him and have him in my life. And I know he feels the same way. He's the peanut butter to my jelly. No matter what anyone thinks, we have a bond that will last a lifetime.

"Life with you makes perfect sense. You're my best friend" - Tim McGraw

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