Friday, February 12, 2010

Present day madness

Now that you all know I am not in grad school any longer, what am I up to these days you must be wondering? Well, a whole lotta nothing. Actually, that's not technically true. Over Christmas and after New Years I filled and sent out A LOT of applications for all kinds of jobs pretty much anywhere I'd be interested in living. I'm not being picky about where the job is, I just NEED one. For the last 2 months I've been living off savings. It frustrates me because that money was supposed to be used for furniture when I moved into a nice NON-student apartment and to start paying off my private student loans. Well, not anymore.

If I'm being honest, I am seriously running out of money. I won't take anything from my parents. They say I'm being stubborn. I'm not, I just don't want their money. I'm 23, I shouldn't need their money. I'm not like almost every other young adult out there who mommy and daddy pay their rent or buy them their food or whatever else. I am in MAJOR debt from not only going to college out of state for 5 years, but for including monthly rent for 2 years in those loans. My parents couldn't have paid my rent if they wanted to. They were/are very tight. My dad works 3 jobs and my mom works full time even though she has Fiber Myalga. Even with all 4 incomes, my parents struggle to get by. They have A LOT of medical bills (i.e. my brother, and my mom) Anyways, I will borrow some money from my parents IF absolutely necessary. Until then I will sacrifice most of my social life to keep as much money in my accounts as possible.

Like I said, I've sent out a lot of applications. I had an interview in Kinston 3 weeks ago, but alas, I didn't hear back from them. Strike 1. I have 2 more interviews coming up this week: one in Kinston (a different place and a different position) and one in Butner (just north of Raleigh). I'm really REALLY hoping one of those works out. I would do anything for a job. If I have to move across the state, I will, just please God grant me a job!

Besides searching for a job, I'm trying to keep myself busy. As busy as one can be without spending money, or as little as possible. I've been going to the gym at least 4 times a week and it's GREAT. I admit I used to be a weakling (Jim would agree), but since October (well besides the holidays) I've been pretty consistent with working out and I am seeing results. Maybe not in the looks department, but definitely in the strength department. I feel like I could throw a decent punch if I had to! Ha. Other than the gym, I do quite a bit of reading. I've always been a big reader, and with all the time on my hands these days, I've been able to enjoy that hobby. And then every once in awhile I spend time with my friend Melissa, the only friend I really have here in Greenville. She is a 2nd year in the MFT program and was my mentor for the program as well. She's a great girl. We have a lot in common. We think the same way as well. I'm really blessed to have her in my life. Without her, I would never get out of my apt.

I talk on the phone often with my parents and with Jim. Phone time with Jim always brightens my day. We miss each other. He tells me almost every time we talk that as soon as work lets up he wants to see me. He keeps me up to date on everything going on with him. I know for the last 2 months he has had only 3 days off. He's working crazy long days. Like he worked all last night and slept during the day today. I don't know how he stays sane. Well, he says I help him with that :) He is really the most dedicated, hard working young man I have ever known. I remember during the first 6 months of our relationship he was working 70 hours a week and he still made time to see me and do stuff with me. Also, currently, he still makes time for 30 even 60 minute phone calls to me, even though he has worked 150 hours in 2 weeks. I miss him. And I don't think that will ever change.

So, pray for me about getting a job and that I keep my sanity here almost alone in Greenville. I appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. I'll definitely be praying for you, girl, and I have been for a while. What you said about me was really sweet. I'M blessed to have met you and I'm so glad we've been able to spend time together over the last few months. Love you!
